Affectus god
Affectus god

  • Encyclical Providentissimus Deus ("On the Study of Holy Scripture" - November 18, 1893).
  • (most available from the Vatican Website) : The Relationship between the Magisterium and Exegetes" (May 10, 2003) - an address presented "On the 100th Anniversary of the Pontifical Biblical Commission"
  • See also Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger: " On.
  • All documents issued by the PBC - listed in reverse chronological order, from the Vatican Website.
  • The above is a substantial revision of his article, with the same title, originally published in Theological Studies 25 (1964) 386-408.
  • 119-152, in A Christological Catechism: New Testament Answers (New Revised/Expanded Edition Paulist: 1991). Fitzmyer, " The Biblical Commission's Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels," Appendix 1, pp.
  • "Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels" (a.k.a.
  • See also " Interpreting the Bible: Three Views" - three analyses of this PBC document, from First Things Magazine.
  • affectus god

  • On the Vatican website in German, Italian, Portuguese, and Swahili (but not English!).
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    " The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church" (April 15, 1993) - one large file, or several smaller files for faster download.Original in French: Le peuple juif et ses Saintes Écritures dans la Bible chrétienne.The Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible (May 24, 2001).The Bible and Morality: Biblical Roots of Christian Conduct (May 11, 2008).Available in the USA through The Liturgical Press." The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture " (Feb.Original in Italian: Che cosa è l’uomo? Un itinerario di antropologia biblica.Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 also available in English at the ChristusRex websiteĭocuments of the Pontifical Biblical Commission.74-100): " The Transmission of Divine Revelation" Part One: The Profession of Faith Section One: "I Believe" - "We Believe" Chapter Two: God Comes to Meet Man.

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    (2nd edition Octofrom the Vatican website): Session V, Second Decree ("Concerning Reform" - June 17, 1546).Session IV, Second Decree ("Concerning the Edition and Use of the Sacred Books" - April 8, 1546).Session IV, First Decree ("Concerning the Canonical Scriptures" - April 8, 1546).Chapter II - "On Revelation" Chapter III - "On Faith" Canon II - "On Revelation" and Canon III - "On Faith" First Vatican Council: Dei Filius ("Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith" - April 24, 1870).See also my page of excerpts, highlighting the importance of the Word of God within the Liturgy.Second Vatican Council: Sacrosantum Concilium ( "Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy" - December 4, 1963).See also my summary of the History and Documents of Vatican II.See also my Outline of Dei Verbum, as compared to the biblical section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.Spanish translation and several other languages also available from the Vatican website.

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  • English translation from the Vatican website other copies in English also at CIN.
  • SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL: DEI VERBUM ( "Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation" - November 18, 1965).
  • 19, 2020 (see also a summary fromĭocuments from Recent Ecumenical Councils
  • CDWDS, " Note on the Sunday of the Word of God," Dec.
  • Pope Francis: Aperuit Illis – "Instituting the Sunday of the Word of God" (Apostolic Letter issued Motu Propio Sept.
  • Pope Francis: Scripturae Sacrae Affectus – "On the Sixteen Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Saint Jerome" (Apostolic Letter Sept.
  • Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies

    Affectus god